Monday, October 13, 2008

Menu Plan Monday!

We're joining in on Menu Plan Mondays over at this week.

Monday: Meatball sandwiches and fries

Tuesday: Sandwiches and salads since I have a dr appt tomorrow

Wednesday: Shrimp Pomodoro Pasta

Thursday: Bruschetta Chicken Bake

Friday: Foil Pack Chicken Fajitas or out for dinner

Saturday: nothing on the menu we have a wedding to attend

Sunday: Roast, potatoes, carrots

Until next time....


Traci @ The Bakery said...

OH, your stuff looks very good.....I want to make the foil dinner!!! Thanks for posting the recipe. I just love Menu Monday because I get such great ideas from others. :)

Anonymous said...

I made some pomodoro pasta a bit ago with white beans. The shrimp sounds like a tasty addition.